15 Full Release Dev Log #1 12/24/2024 and Release Date

Hello and HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone. I hope everyone is enjoying their break or if you have to work, I hope you're at least getting that SWEET SWEET holiday pay.... But anywho...

Though I've been working on when I had time, 15 my job has been very busy along with some unfortunate personal events. But I wanted to take this time to fully update you on the progress of the game. 

The game is set to be released Thursday, May 15th 2025 ! Unless other wise specified.

Based on the comments, thoughts and critiques I've received from friends who tested the Demo, I've overhauled a few parts of the story as well as redesigned (and still redesigning) characters. Which pushed back the time frame a bit. BUT what's life without a little challenge, right? (internally screams). 

But thank you to everyone who play the demo and an even greater thank you for your honest thoughts. It will make me a better developer. Merry Christmas everyone (Or happy holidays of that's your thing).

I'll try to stay more consistent with my dev logs, but please know, just in case there are long waits with no updates, 15 is being worked on. The goal is at minimum weekly or bi-weekly updates, depending on how busy job keeps me. I've added some concept art of Brandy. Feel free to give me your thoughts, (Be Nice <_<).   

Stay Crispy


Writing - 20 %

Visuals - 0 % (Due to heavy redesigns)

Scenes - 0 % (Due to heavy redesigns)

Coding - 8 %

Test - 0%

15 Brandy

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